Stressed Japanese Women Can Rent Handsome Men to Wipe Away Their Tears at the Office!

Stressed Japanese Women Can Rent Handsome Men to Wipe Away Their Tears at the Office!

In a world where work-related stress and emotional pressures are prevalent, innovative and unconventional solutions often emerge to address these challenges. In Japan, a unique service has been introduced to help stressed women cope with their emotions in the office environment: renting handsome men to offer comfort and support.

The Concept

This service, which originated in Japan, provides a novel approach to emotional support. Women facing stress or emotional strain at work can rent male companions who are not only professionally trained to offer comfort but are also presented as handsome and charming. These companions are there to listen, offer kind words, and provide a sense of emotional relief.

How It Works

1. Service Booking:

•Women can book these services through specialized agencies or platforms. The booking process often involves selecting a companion based on specific preferences or needs.

2. Companion Training:

•The men who offer this service are trained in providing emotional support, including active listening, empathy, and effective communication techniques. They are prepared to handle various emotional situations with sensitivity and professionalism.

3. Office Visits:

•Companions visit the office, where they spend time with the client in a discreet and respectful manner. Their role is to offer emotional support, engage in conversation, and provide comfort.

4. Confidentiality:

•The service is designed to be confidential, ensuring that the client’s personal struggles remain private and that the support provided does not interfere with professional responsibilities.

Cultural Context

1. Work Culture in Japan:

•Japan is known for its demanding work culture, where long hours and high expectations can lead to significant stress. This service offers a unique way to address emotional needs within a professional context.

2. Stigma and Emotional Support:

•In Japanese culture, discussing personal struggles openly can be challenging. This service provides a discreet way for individuals to seek comfort without the fear of stigma or judgment.

3. Role of Aesthetics:

•The emphasis on “handsome” companions reflects a cultural appreciation for aesthetics and the impact of appearance on emotional well-being. The idea is that an attractive and personable companion can enhance the emotional experience.

Similar Services Around the World

While this specific service is unique to Japan, other countries have also developed innovative approaches to providing emotional support and comfort:

1. Therapy Pets:

•In many countries, therapy animals are used to offer emotional support and reduce stress.

2. Professional Cuddling:

•Services offering platonic cuddling and physical comfort have emerged in various parts of the world.

3. Emotional Support Coaches:

•Personal coaches and therapists provide emotional support and guidance, often through scheduled sessions.


1. Ethics and Boundaries:

•The ethical implications of renting emotional support services should be carefully considered, including the boundaries between professional and personal interactions.

2. Effectiveness:

•The effectiveness of such services in alleviating stress and improving emotional well-being can vary based on individual preferences and needs.

3. Cultural Sensitivity:

•Understanding the cultural context and the reasons behind the popularity of such services can provide valuable insights into addressing workplace stress in different regions.


The concept of renting handsome men for emotional support in the office highlights the creative and culturally specific ways in which people address stress and emotional challenges. While it may seem unconventional, it reflects a broader trend towards finding personalized and innovative solutions to mental well-being in the workplace.

Feel free to adjust or expand on any aspect of this overview based on your specific needs or focus!